About us

TravelStock is a brand new and unique platform and marketplace for high-quality travel content. We offer thousands of pictures and articles from all kinds of topics around the world, for easy download and at very low rates. You just click, buy – and publish.

Founded in 2018, TravelStock is a Norwegian startup whose core value is to make travel content less expensive and more accessible, to everyone. Whether you´re a travel agent, a pr-company or a publisher, you will find thousands of really good and easily accessible travel articles and ready-made content for your newspaper, website, magazine or blog – at very low prices.

Travel is important. Travel is universal. People develop through travel, and their understanding of other cultures improves. With TravelStock we aim to expand horizons and inspire, through accessible and budget friendly travel features.

The backbone of our articles and pictures is produced by highly skilled and experienced journalists and photographers from in the largest travel magazine in Norway. Our aim is to grow further with the help from contributors all over the world.

We want to give photographers, journalists, bloggers and artists a brand new platform where they can make money from photos and features by licensing the content through TravelStock, for use in a variety of ways.

If you want to contribute, please get in touch here .

TravelStock is already an international company, with developers in Ukraine, and translators in Sweden, England, Australia and Norway.

As we do not accept freebies for positive coverage and always pay for our travels, the articles you find in TravelStock will always be impartial.